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Jillian coaching a group of employees seated at separate tables on resilience

A Resilience Coach to Help Reprogram Your Mind for Positivity and Success

Life coaching testimonial from Head of Trade Finance at RBS, UK

The ability to bounce back from setbacks is a vital survival skill in the modern world. Life has its fair share of challenges – from small everyday headaches that can be taxing emotionally, mentally or psychologically, to bigger hurdles that might feel impossible to overcome.

Take back control of your life for good with Jillian Haslam’s personal resilience coaching program.

PHONE: +44 (0) 7741098723

Personal Resilience Coaching:
Master The Art of Bounce-Back and Thrive

Jillian overseeing a resilience life coaching session with audience hurdled around different round tables

Resilience coaching is a practice that aims to equip individuals with the tools and mental skills needed to cope with challenges and bounce back from adversity of any magnitude.

A resilience coach can help you develop resilience skills that help you cope with challenges better, and empower you to turn the proverbial lemons that life throws at you into lemonade.

Jillian Haslam is a London-based resilience coach who provides personal resilience coaching to individuals looking to break away from the mental shackles holding them back.

PHONE: +44 (0) 7741098723

A Top Life Coach to Help You Unlock
Your Immense Potential

Life coaching testimonial from Head of Transaction Sales Origination at RBS, UK
Life coaching testimonial from Communications Manager at Santander Bank, UK

Jillian is hailed as one of the best life coaches not just for her super-effective resilience coaching techniques; her grass-to-grace story is also the archetypal embodiment of what mental resilience is all about.

She grew up in unforgiving conditions in a slum in Calcutta, India where the odds of making it out were hugely stacked against her. Life was a daily struggle, living under a flight of stairs with no guarantee of a meal; conditions that saw her lose four of her siblings along the way.

But she never let that define her outcome.

Jillian went on to enjoy a thriving career in the corporate world, before she eventually left on her own terms to pursue her purpose. Today, she offers personal resilience coaching to individuals and is a resilience coaching international mentor for organisational teams and leaders around the world, training them to cultivate “the Irrepressible Mindset”.

If you are looking to work with a top results-driven coach, Jillian can help you develop the mental fortitude to survive and thrive in the face of adversity and change.

Beyond offering coaching services in London and the UK, Jillian also caters to a global clientele in need of practical, first-rate resilience coaching lessons.

As an international resilience coach, Jillian has worked with individuals from:

  • All over the UK – including Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

  • Belgium

  • Denmark

  • Netherlands

  • Germany

  • Canada

  • United States

  • Australia

She undertakes her resilience coaching lessons both online and one-on-one.

PHONE: +44 (0) 7741098723

Better Yourself by Signing Up with a Resilience Life Coach

Life coaching testimonial from a Trainer & Life Coach that Jillian has coached

Jillian believes everyone has infinite potential within waiting to be tapped. She also understands from first-hand experience that the human mind wields more power than it gets credit for. As such, the resilience coach uses her wealth of experience in the field of mental resilience to help individuals break mental barriers and achieve their life goals.

Jillian’s coaching approach is personal and tailor-made for each individual. She will be your trusted partner as she empowers you to effectively navigate challenging situations in your life and cultivate a resilient mindset to help you grow and flourish.

PHONE: +44 (0) 7741098723

How Jillian's Resilience Coaching Program Can be Beneficial

There are plenty of benefits you can gain from working with a good resilience coach. Jillian provides a personal resilience coaching program that can help individuals address issues such as:

Testimonial from Head of Cash Management at Bank of America after a life coaching session
  • Coping with adversity

  • Developing an Irrepressible mind and growth mindset

  • Overcoming fear of failure and embracing challenges

  • Overcoming self-limiting beliefs suppressing your true potential

  • Overcoming self-esteem issues

  • Breaking negative thought patterns

  • Dealing with uncertainty

  • Dealing with past trauma

  • Cultivating self-compassion

  • Navigating key life changes

  • Pursuing your goals and purpose

  • Confidence coaching

By following a tried-and-tested approach designed with practicality in mind, Jillian's personal resilience coaching sessions can help you take back control of your life.

PHONE: +44 (0) 7741098723

Virtual Coaching for Individuals & Groups

Testimonial from a Human Resource professional about Jillian's life coaching services
Testimonial from a Professional Trainer & Speaker in Dubai who qualified through Jillian's one on one life coaching service

Jillian is a resilience coach who works with people in different spheres and from all walks of life. Her approach is simple but effective, with each session purposely designed with individual needs and goals in mind.

Jillian will work closely with you to help you overcome mental barriers and realise your true potential. Virtual coaching sessions through video are more practical in the case of individual coaching. However, she also conducts in-person coaching, subject to individual preference and proximity. Physical training is ideal (and most effective) for teams in need of group coaching.

As an international coach, Jillian also serves overseas clients (individuals or groups), in which case virtual coaching works best.

Reach out to Jillian today to find out how she can help you overcome adversity and get to the next level.

PHONE: +44 (0) 7741098723

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a life coach?

A life coach is a trained professional who helps people achieve their goals in life by improving their lives in a holistic manner. A life coach is more or less a personal development coach or empowerment coach since their job involves helping individuals become the best versions of themselves. They do this by helping people get rid of self-sabotaging habits while at the same time developing winning habits.

How can a life coach benefit me?

Life coaching operates on the premise that the individual has a desire to change for the better, so it is the job of the life coach or personal development coach to steer their client in this direction. A qualified life coach can help you gain clarity on your goals and identify beliefs holding you back. Based on that input, the coach can then come up with strategies to help you overcome those obstacles and achieve the outcomes you envision. It is for this reason one to one coaching is the most effective.

What to expect from a qualified life coach?

Resilience life coaching or life coaching in general works in much the same way as personal sports coaching: it is a partnership between the coach and his/her client whereby the coach works closely with the client to help the client achieve their goals. Diagnosing emotional or mental health issues is not within the job description of a resilience life coach. The coach will also not dictate to you (the client) what you should do, how you should do it or how to live your life. Rather, their role is to support you to become the person you want to become. As a personal development coach, he/she will provide the guidance you need to help you make the changes you wish to without imposing their strategies on you or providing solutions that leave little room for points of difference. A good life coach will also factor in individual experiences without prescribing a blanket solution or pre-determined approach. However, like in every other field, it is worth keeping in mind that not every coach will operate by this rulebook, qualified life coach or not.

What does a life coach do exactly?

A life coach generally assists clients in improving different facets of their lives. However, life coaches also do have areas of specialisation. Examples include career coach, resilience life coach, financial coach, life skills coach, addiction and sobriety coach, relationship coach, divorce coach and more. A life coach is different from a therapist or professional counsellor. All are forms of support, but it’s important to be clear on which route you wish to take in order to enjoy quality support and guidance. A qualified life coach will help you set new goals and help you grow. They achieve this by first assessing your current situation, pinpointing self-defeating beliefs that are holding you back and understanding the challenges that stand in your way. Then, they come up with a plan of action unique to your situation to help you bring your goals to fruition. A life coach can also help you with major life transitions and crises to help you bounce back and thrive again.

How to find a life coach near me?

If you are looking for a qualified life coach near me, you first need to narrow down on the type of coaching service you need. For example, do you need resilience coaching to learn how to navigate challenges and bounce back from setbacks or looking for an accountability coach UK to help you achieve your goals? Once you’re clear on the type of life coach you want, decide whether you prefer physical 1 on 1 coaching or a life coach online who offers virtual sessions. Usually, many coaches will provide virtual coaching services, especially in the case of individual coaching vs group sessions. That’s because in some instances, it might not be feasible for say, a life coach Manchester, to travel halfway across the country to hold 45-minute weekly coaching sessions with a single client. However, when looking for a life coach near me, confirm with your potential coach whether they offer in-person service if that’s your preference. Some operate within a set geographic location when it comes to physical coaching to avoid spreading themselves too thin. For example, a life coach Manchester might only serve residents of the Greater Manchester area. Likewise, a confidence coach London might only cater to clients within certain boroughs of London. Generally, though, unless your coach is within your geographical area code, it makes more sense from a budget standpoint to opt for a life coach online. After all, you will be broadening your options when searching from a wider pool, whether you’re looking to find a life coach UK, a top-rated life coach in Europe and so on. Lastly, before signing up with a qualified life coach, consider evaluating whether the coach is the right fit for you by talking to them first. This way, not only will you get a good feel of them and their style, but also get to learn more about their approach.

PHONE: +44 (0) 7741098723

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